Book appointments online
Patient Access
We now offer the facility to:
- book your appointments
- order your repeat prescriptions
- view your medical summary, medications, allergies and any adverse reactions.
To use this method to request appointments we must first issue you with a password.
Please call the surgery or enquire at the reception desk for details.
EMIS Access - online services available here

You can now use the NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services and your GP account on your smartphone or tablet.
You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record, access your Covid vaccination status and more.
If you already use online access you can continue to use it. You can use the NHS App as well.
For more information go to
Woodside Medical Centre would like to let you know about an exciting new way to contact your GP online. The aim is to free up the escalating volume of telephone traffic Monday to Friday.
PATCHS is a non-urgent online system that lets you contact your GP and by answering 4 simple questions get you help with health advice, ongoing fit notes renewal, medications and more. We will reply to your query / question / information/ using Patchs. Please allow 2 working days for a response.
To use PATCHS, visit
Urgent appointments
- Book an appointment online via Patient Access or the NHS App
- Phone us Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.30pm
- Visit the surgery and speak with a receptionist. We are open Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.30pm
Routine appointments
- Book an appointment online via Patient Access or the NHS App
- Phone us Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.30pm
- Visit the surgery and speak with a receptionist. We are open Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.30pm
Request an appointment
Ring our main switchboard number 0161 643 9244 to book an appointment.
We will try to give you an appointment with the Doctor of your choice. Individual doctors availability will vary according to the doctors commitments to particular clinics on call sessions and holidays.
Appointments can be pre-booked in advance.
Let us know if more than one person in the family needs to be seen. We can give you the correct amount of appointment time.
GP Additional Access Services
Access to Appointment with a GP, Nurse, or Health Care Practitioner in the evening or at the weekend
You can book your appointment now by contacting during opening hours
Access Services are an extension of our usual service, it is not a walk-in service, and you will need to make an appointment via the practice. The service gives you more flexibility in where, when and how you use local health services. It helps Patients with work and family commitments.
Please note that whilst you may not get to see your own doctor during these hours. The GP or Nurse you see will have access to your medical record, subject to your consent.
Appointments are available:
Monday to Friday: Daytime & Evenings
Saturday and Sunday: Daytime
Bank Holidays: Daytime
Appointment Types:
Face to Face – You will see a clinician in person and be required to go to the service location
Telephone Consultation – You will be called by one of our clinicians during your appointment time. This will be from a withheld number and you will not be required to go to the service location unless offered at the time
Out Of Hours
Tel: 111 for emergency cover when the practice is closed
Use NHS 111 online ( or call 111.
111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.
Cancelling or changing an appointment
If you need to cancel your appointment please ring the surgery to let us know as soon as possible.
You can cancel or change your appointment:
- Use the NHS App to cancel or change an appointment
- Use Patient Access to cancel or change an appointment
- Via text message by replying CANCEL to your reminder message.
Home Visits
If you are housebound and need an appointment, we will do a home visit. We will phone you first to understand what you need. To request a home visit, it’s helpful if you phone the practice as soon after 8am as possible.
All home visits will be assessed by the clinican and agreed upon when clinically appropriate.
Telephone Consultations
We can book telephone consultations for condition/medication reviews, and to discuss test results.
We will give you a time to ring the GP. If the GP happens to have a patient with him at that time, he will then ring you on the telephone number you have given.