Annex D: Standard Reporting Template
NHS Greater Manchester
2014/15 Patient Participation Enhanced Service – Reporting Template
Practice Name: Woodside Medical Centre
Practice Code: P86012
Signed on behalf of practice: Tina Bennion
Date: 30.03.2015
Signed on behalf of PPG:
1. Prerequisite of Enhanced Service – Develop/Maintain a Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Does the Practice have a PPG? YES
Method of engagement with PPG: Email, letters and face to face.
Number of members of PPG: 7
Detail the gender/age mix of PPG:
Details of the age/gender mix of practice population list size is 9057.
Detail the ethnic background of your practice population and PRG:
Ethnicity |
Practice |
White |
British |
Irish |
Gypsy or Irish traveller |
Other white |
Mixed/ multiple ethnic groups |
White &black Caribbean |
White &black African |
White &Asian |
Other mixed |
Asian/Asian British |
Indian |
Pakistani |
Bangladeshi |
Chinese |
Other Asian
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British |
African |
Caribbean |
Other Black |
Arab |
Any other |
Difficult to obtain this data
Describe steps taken to ensure that the PPG is representative of the practice population in terms of gender, age and ethnic background and other members of the practice population:
The practice finds it very difficult to recruit members to join out PPG. Information about the PPG is currently displayed in the practice, on the web site on NHS Choices, information in the waiting area.
Our meetings are held in the evenings so that patients who work are able to attend. However we still struggle to attract more members.
Are there any specific characteristics of your practice population which means that other groups should be included in the PPG?
e.g. a large student population, significant number of jobseekers, large numbers of nursing homes, or a LGBT community? NO
If you have answered yes, please outline measures taken to include those specific groups and whether those measures were successful:
2. Review of patient feedback
Outline the sources of feedback that were reviewed during the year:
Members were contacted by email or letter in to ask for suggestions for topics to cover over the following year.Responses were collated and feedback was provided to members. At this meeting the specific areas to review were agreed.
The main area chosen for review was the Telephone system. On line services, well man clinic Queuing in reception area
How frequently were these reviewed with the PRG?
We try to meet quarterly
3. Action plan priority areas and implementation
Priority area 1
Description of priority area:
Telephone Access
Patients experiencing difficulty getting through to the practice by telephone during peak periods.
What actions were taken to address the priority?
Promote our on line services, ie online repeat prescription, appointments. The use of our answer phone facility available to patient 24/7. New email account to order repeat prescription. All will help to ease the telephone traffic and enable patients to get through.
We also have software monitoring our incoming calls, which analyses peak periods and the volumes of calls answered/ not answered.
Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):
This work is still in full force as we try to move patients over to on line services to ease the telephone traffic
Priority area 2
Description of priority area:
Well Man Clinic PPG are very keen to promote Health and wellbeing of our patient population
The practice has submitted a bid to the ccg for funding to run two well man clinics in the evening. The practice Manager attended a “dragons den” type interview and was successful in the bid.
Two clinics have been successful 12.02.2015 and 12.03.2015
Result of actions and impact on patients and carers
The patients invited were patients that have not been to the practice for 3-4 years. The patients that attended the sessions welcomed the chance to have an MOT. Some had raised blood pressure and/or raised cholesterol. If they had not attended this would have gone un noted for some time as this group do not attend on a regular basis.
We purchased lots of health education products such as “tar in jar” alcohol measures etc.
These sessions were welcomed by the patients attending
Priority area 3
Description of priority area:
Queuing in reception area
For the last 6 months we seem to be having an issue with patient queuing in reception. One reason is contributing to this, the automated arrival unit is no longer functioning. This is due to the practice upgrading the clinical system and the automated arrivals unit not being compatible.
What actions were taken to address the priority?
As with the well man clinic – the same process was undertaken in November 2014 and successful
This installation will go ahead on 23.04.2015
Result of actions and impact on patients and carers (including how publicised):
Patients have been informed of this application and informed in the practice and on the website, NHS Choices
Progress on previous years
If you have participated in this scheme for more than one year, outline progress made on issues raised in the previous year(s):
Areas agreed and actioned in 2013/14:
Area:Telephone System
Progress:Continuous improvements are being made, however this is an on-going process
Progress: We have met with local councillors, plans are in place to erect housing to the rear of the practice, this will incorporate 12 parking spaces for our patients. Although this is said to take some time as there appear to be funding issues that have to be agreed
4. PPG Sign Off
Report signed off by PPG: YES
Date of sign off:
How has the practice engaged with the PPG:
How has the practice made efforts to engage with seldom heard groups in the practice population?
Has the practice received patient and carer feedback from a variety of sources?
Was the PPG involved in the agreement of priority areas and the resulting action plan?
How has the service offered to patients and carers improved as a result of the implementation of the action plan?
Do you have any other comments about the PPG or practice in relation to this area of work?
We have tried to encourage our patients to join our PPG by publicising in the practice, on our website Information about our PPG are available in the surgery doctors speak with patients who may be interested in the Group.
We are very active in identifying carers within the practice, as well as the carer’s packs we give to patient; the invitation to join the group is also attached.
All actions taken have been fed back to the group and agreed.
The PPG are very keen to include the positive aspects that the practice has achieved, is not always about looking for faults in the system. Health and wellbeing are high on the agenda of our PPG
We welcomed OUR PPG and their input and support over the last year.The practice and our PPG will aim to recruit more members over the next 12 months
We will also encourage speakers to meeting. Health watch have attended a meeting held which the PPG felt was very informative.